Categories: Poems

Looking for signs of life

You have been looking, hard I may say
And yet its not what you expected to find
Floating over darkened waters, icy and red
Looking for the signs of life
And there are none

You are climbing the mountains
Capped with glistening snow
Looking for the signs of life
And there are none

You are running through the forests
That may have been
And all that’s left
Is brown and dead
You look hard, piercing
For signs of life
And there are none

You walk through the deserted roads
Of years past, of empty stores
That were once alive
Looking for the signs of life
And there are none

You take flight, go higher and higher
To see more of the world
The blue and green you expect
And it is all just different shades of red
You zoom in and out
Looking for the signs of life
And there are none

Your search has gone on
And will go on
For the life that you look for
Is nowhere to be found

You panic now
And look at yourself
To enforce the last bit of life perhaps
And what you see makes you scream
For where there was flesh
There is metal
For where there was blood
There is current
For where there was a heart
Now all there is a reactor
You are the last human left
Or you were

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